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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Covid-19, Nigeria’s statistics, science, lies, and the LORD GOD Almighty

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Most Populous Nations & #COVID19 Tests
#1 ??China: 1.44b | 90.4m
#2 ??India: 1.38b | 22.8m
#3 ??USA: 331m | 63.7m
#4 ??Indonesia: 274m | 1.66m
#5 ??Pakistan: 221m | 2.08m
#6 ??Brazil: 213m | 13.21m
#7 ??Nigeria: 207m | 210,729
#8 ??Bangladesh: 165m | 1.24m
Nigeria may not be correct as at today.
If our population is about 207m and we have tested only about 310,729 as at Friday 8th August 2020 (because testing capacity is low, very low, we are told), and 45,687 got infected and 936 died; by simple extrapolation, don’t you think the infected should be at about 30,435,553 and 623,540 should have died? A whopping 30.5 million infected and 623,540 dead? God forbid, in Jesus name!
Having said that, and since we are still playing science; averagely, how many persons die of natural and unnatural causes in Nigeria daily vis a vis our population? Science and scientific facts.
However, there is a huge difference between science and God. They both do not clash, cannot clash, because science is a body of provable facts, but God, the LORD GOD Almighty, He is the Truth. In fact (hehehe), the Way, the Truth, and the Life; made manifest scientifically (and even beyond scientifically, through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son). That is, talking biologically (through Mary), and spiritually (through immaculate conception).
God, our Father is a provable fact, and a provable Truth. Only you need to see…physically, and beyond the physical. Those who can’t see beyond the physical will naturally scoff. Don’t blame them, these things can only be spiritually discerned. If you know, you know. But, please do pray that others may know, by God’s grace.
Even Covid-19 shall come to pass; we have already written its obituary, and those of its ‘manufacturers & sustainers’, if they do not repent!
Did I just sound like a spirico? Please forgive me; just send this backwards until it gets back to the statistician who prepared the figures.

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