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Saturday, July 27, 2024

We shall not allow ourselves to be dragged into our gory past – Lalong

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By Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, Executive Governor, Plateau State.
It is with deep sense of sorrow that I address you today, following the pockets of violent attacks on some communities in the State. This has unfortunately led to loss of lives and properties. The resurgence of violence in the state is reprehensible, as much as condemnable. Yet, this is a stark reminder of the magnitude of peace and security challenges staring at us in the face. On behalf of the government of the State therefore, I commiserate with the families of those affected and pray that God in His infinite mercies will grant them rest in His glorified Kingdom.
Government is conscious of its responsibilities of protection of lives and properties of its citizenry and we have always strived to meet that expectation. You will recall that I took an oath to protect and secure the lives and property of our citizens as governor of Plateau State. For this reason, my administration has placed a high premium on peace, security and good governance, being the first item on our five-pillar policy thrusts.
Regardless of the threats we face today, we remain resolute in our commitment to arrest the vicious circle of violence and lay the foundation for sustainable peace. Following this renewed episode of violence after about three years of some stability in terms of peace and security we are yet again faced with a risk of a relapse. We shall not allow ourselves to be dragged into our gory past. Accordingly, the government has taken decisive steps to reinforce security, particularly in communities prone to attacks, and in the same vein is working to tackle the underlying causes of conflict.
I urge all and sundry to exercise restraint, observe the curfew currently in place, while Traditional Rulers, Religious Leaders, Elders, Political Leaders, community leaders and their subjects remain vigilant and cooperate with security agencies that are monitoring the situations and helping to keep the peace. Let me however strongly caution against the deliberate attempt to politicize the crisis and giving it religious colouration, fake news, deliberate distortions and misinformation. Government through the appropriate security agencies will not hesitate to deal decisively with any trouble maker or peace spoiler that is determined to test the resolve of government.
Once again, while I sympathize and empathize with our people over our loss, let me conclude that we can only triumph over these challenges when we remain united as a people.
Thank you and God bless.
***Lalong delivered this state-wide broadcast on Monday in Jos.

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