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Friday, July 26, 2024

A love so matchless and incomparable

Must read

By Sam Kputu.
“If God really loved me, how could He have allowed this…?” Jaki asked, amidst sobs. He had just lost a job and then a son – all in same month! Who would not wonder and ponder?
The tendency to measure LOVE by, and reduce it to, Events and Circumstances around us is real and natural. We perceive Love through our own experience and expectations of it. That could be misleading when it comes to perceiving and assessing GOD’S LOVE.
Our Lord God has only one yardstick by which His love is to be measured and that is JESUS – His sacrifice and death on the cross for redemption and reconciliation. “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son…” Jn.3:16
To measure or assess God’s love by any other yardstick is not just the height of ingratitude but perhaps an insult to such a divine love. If He didn’t spare His best -Jesus, what else is there left to withhold from us? Our God loves us JESUS MUCH

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