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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Beware of presumptuous or surrogate Fatherhood

Must read

By Sam Kputu.
We live in age when many assume a relationship with God just because they are close to one spiritual ‘Daddy’ or ‘Father-in-the -Lord’. They forget that our God neither has grandchildren nor does He foster children as a surrogate Father. He only recognises and accepts Children He fathers through Christ (John 1:12)_
The Pharisees wrongly assumed and thought that they could leverage on their relationship with ‘Daddy’ Abraham to gain God’s attention. How wrong and mistaken they were. For only a right relationship with God through Christ Jesus, evidenced by a transformed life, makes us acceptable in God’s family as His children. Beware, you can never leverage on a relationship with any spiritual ‘daddy’ or ‘father’ to gain God’s acceptance. Infact, call no man on earth your spiritual Father (Matt.23:9)_

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