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Friday, July 26, 2024

Christians Only Material: Where many fail 1

Must read

By Festus Ndukwe
Though the beginning of a man’s life may not make sense, every man that God has created in Christ has a glorious destiny. He has a glorious future. “We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works…” Eph.2:10.
Painfully, many have fallen short of their destinies through a little test on their patience.
There is great reward for patience and greater loss for lack of it.
Patience is produced through several trials. The Bible says, “Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire (complete), wanting nothing.” James 1:3, 4.
Every trial, test or opposition is an opportunity to practice and produce patience, and grow in it. It is patience that enables us to suffer long in the face of opposition and oppression.
When the Lord sees someone who continued to be patient in the face of adversity then He has seen someone He wants to do business with. God proves, approves, appoints and anoints a man in whom He has seen this jewel.
The Bible says,”But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience…2Cor.6:4. If you find a man who is patient then you have found a man who is humble. It is a humble man that will allow his right to be taken and yet he does not fight but waits patiently for His God. A proud man can never be patient. He does not wait a second. That is why he makes too many mistakes and loses many things the Lord might have prepared for him.
As I teach Christian discipleship in places, I come across young ministers who are not able to wait in the face of slightest provocation by their senior pastors and leaders, and they move to another church or ministry. Some have moved more than twice. My pain is that many of these young ministers do not get to learn what God wants to teach them, and they dodge these raw materials the Lord has arranged to be used to sharpen and shape their character and get them conformed to the image of Christ.
For some of these young ministers, they resign their positions when they get to a critical point God wants to break out on their behalf. Because of lack of understanding of God’s dealings with His children many ministers have left their church or ministry out of anger, and went to join another one or start their ministries.
●●Ndukwe is a Lagos based minister and can be reached at festus.felicia@gmail.com

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