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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Can you join in rebuilding, asks Namani

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I can rebuild.
By Nharrel Namani
The management of a faith-based school saw a need to build a structure. It made the needs known in a printed medium soliciting for prayers for funds.
Someone read about it and wanted to fund the building. But after asking for details of what it will take to complete the building project  it dawned on the school that it did not even have a building plan. So it did not know exactly or how much it needed to complete the project.
It was then it started looking for who to design the structure, quantify and cost the materials needed.
Another instance is a group of men and women who banded together with a determination to change the foundations of their country, which was steeping into political and socio-economic abyss.
In their dogged determination, they effected political change. But apparently with no plans on how to move the country forward.
Unlike that school management and many politicians who want to rebuild Local Government Areas, States, and the country, Nehemiah, in the Book of Nehemiah 2:1-5, had it planned. So when the King asked, “What do you want?” He had a ready answer. When he felt afraid at the prospect of facing the king with his plans; he prayed. He was able to unfold his plan to the king in a concise and a precise manner. He wanted to go and rebuild the walls. He needed some materials to rebuild the walls. He got the permission and  the materials to do what he wanted to do. However and importantly, in addition to knowing what to do and what he needed he was willing to go and rebuild the broken walls himself.
Nehemiah must have thought having been part of the problem of Jerusalem he needed and was willing to be part of the solution.
Many Christians and Nigerians, know what is wrong with our churches or our country. Some of us are sad about it. Few of us know what to do. Yet fewer are willing to do what they know they should do to right the wrongs observed in the church or the country. But those who God use to bring about revival in church and rebuild the country must be willing to come down from their lofty heights. They should be able to say, “I can go and rebuild it”. They plan and act on what they are sure their God has put in their hearts to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am willing to be part of your move to bring spiritual revival as well as true change in my country. Show me the specific things I must do to achieve your purpose in my time.

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