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Friday, October 18, 2024

Lord, revive us or we perish! (20, 21, 22)

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Lord, Revive Us or We Perish! (20)

Give Satan a room, he takes over the whole house. By this time, the enemy had taken full charge in many churches. Worship, praises, dancing, preaching and other activities were going on in churches, but no life, and no power. Pastors themselves knew, so not a few went to consult witchdoctors for power, and to attract crowd. Others joined the Freemasons. With sacred oil they would rob it and lay hands, and members would fall under power. They rise up worse than they were before; with nothing happening to their sinful lifestyle.Today, the Church stands in dire need of revival.

Lord, Revive Us or We Perish! (21)

What has so far been revealed about many organised churches can never be compared with what is yet to come to the open. The politicking, strife, greed, flamboyance, adultery, witch craft, oppression, injustice highlighted, is just a tip of the ice berg. People with sane minds will faint if they hear what certain Christians and church leaders do in secret. I was in a church of a pastor who, in shock, suffered stroke within minutes after hearing what the man of God, his mentor, and who he trusted so much did to him. He later died. More will faint if the cans of worms are torn open. Lord, revive your Church!

Lord, Revive Us or We Perish! (22)

In the days of the Apostles, no one dared join them. Even Ananias and Sapphira paid a supreme price for being dishonest. Not so today. The enemy having succeeded in corrupting many churches, all kinds of things crept in. Comedians, celebrities, hip- hop artists became pals of some pastors. They would gyrate in church and go back with no conviction of sin. Comedians would make jokes with the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus, and church members would see nothing wrong with it as they reeled in laughter! Yahoo boys were not left out. They would pay their tithes and ask for prayers. It’s a total hostile take over.

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