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Friday, October 18, 2024

Shall Nigeria see the dawn?

Must read

By Nache Bike

O Nigeria ????
O giant of African ????
O great nation with glory !!
O Nigeria, land of peace and unity
O Nigeria, land blessed with natural resources
O Nigeria, a land blessed with gifted and intelligent people.

O Nigeria, a land of value and  norms
O Nigeria, a land of peace, unity and progress
O Nigeria, lender to nations
O Nigeria, a land of culture and respect.

Where is thy glory?
Where is thy culture, value, love and norms?
Where is thy riches?
Where is thy beauty and peace?

You have departed from light.
You have chosen to walk in darkness.

You have turned into a land of blood
You have turned into a home of terrorists and unknown gun men
You have made bandits your best friend.

Your foundations are built on wickedness and deceit
Your walls are decorated with humans blood
Your gates are made up of sweat and tears of innocent people.
Your streets are full of dead bodies
Your resources are gradually turning into disasters.

O Nigeria, thou land of bitterness
O Nigeria, thou land of sorrow
O Nigeria, thou bedrock of corruption
O Nigeria, thou home of heartless leaders
O  ye Cruel Nation.

You have killed my little children.
You have taken away my sister’s and brothers, you held them captive for years, months, weeks, and days; some you have killed, and some you have not told me their state of being.
You have beheaded and slaughter my uncles, aunties, mothers, fathers, like chickens.
You have caused us pains… you created space in our hearts that cannot be filled up.
You have locked the door to education, you kept my students at home for four mouths now.

You frauds, you stole all our money and enriched yourselves  and  your friends
Here I am with my loved ones,  starving to death.

O Nigeria!!!! Why did you turn yourself to kidnappers?? Why did you choose the worst profession in the world??
Why been a ritualist? A bandit? A hired killer???
You have subjected my young men to yahoo, young Ladies  to  prostitution
My neighbors have turned to beggars!!!

O Nigeria; a land of rapists, you have raped my daughters and have ruined the lives of so many girls.
You have made the hospitals a hopeless and helpless place to go.

You have taken over the economy and commodity, yet you made things so expensive when you know it’s only you and your equals that have the funds.

Oooh you heartless souls; who gave you the right to take away my three square meals?

I sleep in pains, fear and agony.

I wake up in fear not knowing what will befall me.

O Nigeria, who did this to you?
You make people  even religious ones to fit into your gaps
You have taken away love and humanity from the heart of men.
Nigeria, thy foundation is shaking
Nigeria, thy walls are breaking
Nigeria  thy gates are rodden

O Nigeria, thou have risen people of questionable statuses
O Nigeria, thou have massacred bright minds
O Nigeria, where is thy glory?
Your audacity is heart-breaking, you took away our water and gave us your our own tears to drink.
You have defiled the hearts of our youths.
You cause our old ones to mourn
You have shattered our dreams!!

O Nigeria, thou art a liar.
You even taught us how to lie.
You told us we are the leaders of  tomorrow, since we were kids, and today we are in our late 30’s our ancestors are still the leaders.

You users.
You used us to win and maintain a political position yet you still use us to cover up your dirty deeds yet we are still your victims.
Who bewitched you Nigeria?
Who laid a curse on you?

You have dashed my hopes
You made me many promises but none has been fulfilled
We have waited in the labour room for so longwe kept pushing….. pushing until our babies died in our wombs.
You came and raised my hope this time and I ran to the labour room with hope and joy thinking I could make a difference.. yet you let me die
My faithful husband who has gone to defend us against your best friends return no  more to us, the kids he left behind have no hope, you replaced him in the office, yet no one replaced him in the family, no one replaced his responsibility.
When shall we see the morning, is this how we  are going to end our lives? Afterwards die and leave our children in this cruel nation with you?Or will you change and make life better for our children.
So many questions on my mind.
Will I be the next  that you will take away and ask my family to pay ransom..
Will I be the next that you will slaughter and behead like a chicken?
Will I be the next whose son will travel and return no more?
Will I be the next that my  brother will go to defend you and will never return?
Will I be the next that you will sack?
Will I be the next that you will walk into my church, mosque, house and burn alive?
Will I be the next?
O Nigeria, where is thy glory?
O Nigeria, when shall we see the dawn?
O Nigeria, who shall answer all our questions?
O Nigeria, who will mend our broken hearts?
O Nigeria, who will bring back our kidnapped love ones?
O Nigeria, who will wipe away our tears?
O Nigeria, who will replace our ashes with beauty?
O Nigeria, what has fate in store for us?
Could it be riches, happiness and all the best?
Or poverty, sorrow and the worst of everything?
O Nigeria ????????????????

▪︎ Ms. Bike, a student of Mass Communication, lives in Abuja. 
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