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Records: What is happening in Plateau and our efforts, by Governor Simon Lalong

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1. It is with a deep heart that I address you today over the security situation in Plateau State. Despite the huge investments we have made in peace building and crime fighting, we are again being confronted with the activities of criminals who are bent on reversing the gains made in the last six years

2. In the recent weeks and months, we have witnessed the unfortunate threats to the peace and security of the State by criminal elements that have been largely run out of business by the combined efforts of the Government and law abiding citizens, as well as collaboration of stakeholders outside the State. 

3. We have witnessed isolated cases of attacks on some communities such as Dong in Jos North; Kwi, Byei, Wereng and Jol in Riyom LGA; Miango, Kangbro, Ri-geh; Kikoba, Kigam, Dundu, kishisho, Angwan Magaji, Nkienwhie, Zanwra, Nche-Tahu, Gene, Rikwe-Rishe, Kpatenvie, Ri-Kusu, Nchu-Nzhwa, Ri-Doro, and Kpara all in Bassa LGA; as well as Kuru in Jos South Local Government.

4. There were also attacks in Chol, Vwang District as well as Kwanan Fulani, Chaha in Jos South Local Government; Maiyanga, La’ake, Mai Farin Mota, Dogon Gaba, Kafi Gana and Kwal villages in Bassa LGA; Mararaban Foron, Nafan in Barkin Ladi LGA; Ganawuri, Byei and Mahanga in Riyom LGA among others. 

5.  In most of these attacks, farmers as well as herders were either killed or cattle and farm crops destroyed. Houses were also burnt down and people rendered homeless. The human loses due to the destruction is very worrisome as it continues to fuel the endless circle of attacks and counter attacks. 

6. In all the incidences, I directed the security agencies to go all out to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Government also mandated both the Peace Building Agency and our State Interreligious Council to step in and seek to unravel the remote causes of the attacks with a view to charting the cause of peace and reconciliation.

7. While these efforts were ongoing and the security agencies continued with the process of hunting down those behind the unfortunate attacks, we were again taken aback by another unfortunate breach of peace along Rukuba road on Saturday 14th August 2021 where a convoy of five buses with passengers returning from a religious festival in Bauchi State heading to Ondo State were attacked. 

8. Many of them were killed and others were injured while some were rescued. This led to tension that degenerated to further retaliatory killings on Sunday which necessitated the imposition of 24-hour curfew on Jos North Local Government Area in addition to the dusk to dawn curfew in Bassa and Jos South LGAs. 

9. The security agencies have continued to dominate the areas and look for the perpetrators of these crimes to bring them to justice.

While this is going on, the Government has also made efforts to bring succour to the victims. I am assuring the citizens that all the perpetrators still at large or their sponsors will surely be fished out and made to face the law. 

10. My dear Elders, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, we have gone through this circle of violence in the past and it has done nobody any good. This is the time for us to unite and confront the common enemy to peace and peaceful coexistence. 

The vision of my administration is to ensure that people live together irrespective of their backgrounds. Justice and fairness is what can guarantee peace.

11. We must work hard to resist the ploy by the enemies of our State to exploit religious and ethnic emotions to pitch people against one another. We must outgrow this old trick that has retarded the growth of our State and given us a negative image nationally and internationally.

12. Our focus should rather be on promoting our diversity, rich culture and natural endowments and God-given potentials that are an attraction to many investors. Without peace, nobody will invest in our State, which explains why we have spent so much to build peace and institutionalize its consolidation through the Peace Building Agency and the Plateau State Inter-Religious Council.

13. We have equally made several efforts in building the capacity of the security agencies including the Operation Rainbow towards ensuring that they respond to threats on time and prevent crimes. We recently bought and distributed 50 patrol vehicles and 200 security motorcycles.  

14. I have therefore called you here today to hear your views and receive your submissions as to what we can collectively do to overcome the current situation and also bring an end this unfortunate cycle of violence particularly in Jos North, Bassa, Riyom, Jos South and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas. We cannot afford to fail the upcoming generation by refusing to do the needful.  

15. Before I sit down and allow you bring forth your inputs, I wish to draw our attention to the misuse of the social media by some persons who take joy in sharing fake and unsubstantiated videos and messages which further fuel passions leading to unrest. I have directed the security agencies to go after such persons and ensure they face the law for incitement and hate speech.

16.  Once more I welcome you to this stakeholders meeting and thank you for coming. 

17. God bless Plateau State and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

▪︎ Being text of speech by Governor Lalong at the Peace & Security Emergency Stakeholders meeting at the Government House, Jos, Plateau State, on 17th August,2021.

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