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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Happy new month to all readers with the gift below:

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July Leadership Gist with Canon #TimOlonade
_▫️ Actively Build, Assist and Empower somebody on his/her destiny path this July._
_▫️Let this be a month of Intentional Leadership by strengthening another leader or lifting a struggling follower deliberately_
_▫️Make this a month of Leadership Growth i godliness, perfecting holiness in the fear of God._
July 7 Therefore…
_~ Don’t be injurious or hurtful to any leaders; if you can’t assist them don’t resist their labour.
_~ Don’t cast aspersions on what others are doing in the Kingdom; our King treasures every input of His subjects.
_~ Don’t join hands and hearts to slay any Saint; like you, they are blood bought and Spirit guided Pilgrims!
_~ Don’t jostle for social and spiritual attention of other leaders or followers in ways that can undermine their lives and ministry efforts.
_~ Don’t jeopardize your mental, physical and spiritual health through unwholesome intake or conduct.
_~ Don’t jump into a day without a date with the Trinity; spiritual warfare is ongoing this month.
_~ Don’t be spiritually idle walk, sprint and exercise yourself in the Holy Spirit.
_Your brother & fellow pilgrim
✍? _© TimOlonade

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