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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Lord, revive us or we perish (17, 18, 19)

Must read

By Festus Ndukwe

Lord, Revive Us or We Perish!  (17)

You reap whatever you sow. You sow to righteousness, you reap revival. This was the case of a pastor of one of the RCCG parishes in Lagos. Normally as a pastor, just say you are doing your birthday, they would lavish all kinds of gifts on you. I was in the service that day. He said, no one should send any gift to him. In the church office, he would tell the workers, “Send whatever returns to the Hqtrs, the rest, missions!” Apart from the English Service, the church was holding one of the largest Hausa services, some of who had gone back home as missionaries. God and some of his faithful children are working, even if others are clowning around. A life of sacrifice is key to revival.

Lord, Revive Us or We Perish!  (18)

It doesn’t take time before a leaven leavens a whole lump. It started with prosperity doctrine linked with greed, then flamboyance, worldliness, and then penchant for titles and love for fame. The whole lump in the church has been leavened, and the church, not the real Church known to its Owner, was left for dead. Before, everyone used to know him or herself as evangelist or brother or sister. It is not so any more. It is now Arch bishop, bishop, etc., with JP attached to it. Now, the atmosphere for strife, jostling for position, and politics has been created. These things are strange to the  Spirit of Revival.

Lord, Revive Us or We Perish!  (19)

It got so bad that some church leaders went diabolic to get to the top position in their church. A story was told of a serpent appearing in church. That was how deep the rot had eaten into the church. People broke into camps and supported their man. The church was holding night vigils and praying in big camps, yet there was no impact. Satan had his property in Church. How can you bind him? The seed of hatred, suspicion and bitterness was sowed in the hearts of people, and they were praying that God would kill their enemies. Witchcraft had come to church!

Bro. Ndukwe, a Christian missionary is based in Lagos and can be reached at festus.felicia@gmail.com 

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