*THE OMINOUS, RAGING BATTLE* in our lives, as believers, is not without but within. It is not primarily against principalities and powers, but against the lusts and desires that oppose the God-life in us, and God’s purpose for our lives.
*How do we tame or overcome our temptations?*
???? First, we need to always *remember that temptation is common to all*. “You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is…”
???? Secondly, we should *know that temptation is controlled,* “… God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much…”
???? Thirdly, we must *believe that temptaion is conquerable*, “… He will show you how to escape…”
(1Cor. 10:13, CEV)
*In Christ Jesus, we don’t have to be overwhelmed or overcome by temptation*, we have the grace and power to escape and overcome.
© Buti Sam KPUTU