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Friday, October 18, 2024

Winning your spiritual battles

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By Festus Ndukwe

The death of the cross delivers us from Satan’s control, influence and manipulation. We are dead with Christ and from the ruling spirits of the universe, Col.2:20.

Two Grounds in the Spiritual Life
There are two grounds in the spiritual life. There is the ground of who we are in Christ, and the ground of who we are in ourselves. The first puts us on higher ground as co-heads with Christ over powers and principalities. The second puts us on lower ground as slaves under powers and principalities.

The enemy is more afraid of who we are in Christ than what we say or do. What we say or do can only become powerful and potent when they are done on the ground of who we are in Christ. Many are eager to be say and do things when they have not first settled on the matter of ground. You cannot win in spiritual warfare when you are on the lower ground of the flesh. On this ground, Satan has power and advantage over the sinful flesh (Eph.4:27). When you are delivered by the Cross, you now stand on a good stead to win in spiritual warfare.

On the ground of flesh, it is you that fight and you cannot win the enemy as his property is still seated in you. But when you fight on the ground of who you are in Christ, it is Christ that fights or engages for you, while you rest.

David was a type of Christ in His finished work; Solomon was a type of Christ in His rest. God gave Solomon rest from his enemies on every side; and in his days, Israel and Judah had quietness and peace. Christ as a man of rest has been born inside of us. Fighting on the ground of the flesh is like punching and you see yourself being punched back and pushed back.

Knowledge & Growth
To stand on the ground of who we are in Christ takes both knowledge and growth. It will take labour in knowledge and growth to enter into His rest. The Bible says, “Let us labour that we might enter into His rest.” This labour is that of knowledge and growing in Him.

Fighting on the ground of Christ’s victory is the secret in winning spiritual warfares. Our old life who can never win has been crucified; our new life, the life we live by the faith of Jesus has already overcome; He has already conquered; He already triumphed when He went through death and emerged in resurrection life. On this ground, we live by Christ’s faith. And Christ’s faith puts us on the ground of resurrection. On this ground, you take a back seat in rest while the Lord’s Omnipotence, His rod and authority is engaged for you, and the enemy is dashed to pieces like pottery.

The Game Changer
Christ is the game changer in the spiritual life. He is the door; the access to treasures and riches. God has chosen to secure His riches in Christ. He is like a pin code, without this no single access to His treasures. It is through Christ we are saved and we go in and out and find pasture. If we don’t make Christ everything that we seek, we will be roaming around like vagabonds and heading nowhere. God has mercy on us!

▪︎ Ndukwe, a Christian worker, sent this via WhatsApp from Lagos.

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