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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shameful President was enjoying state dinner while 40 herders were killed – Miyetti Allah

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The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) condemns the silence of the Federal Government and the military authorities over what it describes as the “seemingly intentional killing of over 40 pastoralists and butchers in Rukubi village of Doma Local Government Area in NasarawaState last Wednesday.

“We find it shameful that while people were being killed, the President was enjoying a state dinner in Katsina state,” MACBAN said in a statement by its spokesman, Mr. Mohammed Nura.

Everyday.ng reports that the Nigerian Air Force has remained silent 72 hours after one of its fighter jets allegedly bombarded a community and killed pastoralists, amid what a source described as curious celebration around the contiguous communities over the morbid mistake.

An online newspaper that reports security matters, disclosed that the bombing in Kwatiri community of Doma Local Government Area of Nasarawa State was ordered after the Military High Command received credible intelligence that some terrorists moved into some communities around the boundary between Nasarawa and Benue states.

The publication disclosed that a joint operation involving the military, security and intelligence components was mobilised to go and take out the terrorists only for a particular state government official (name withheld) to give the team a wrong location, leading to the bombing of the innocent heherdsmen.

But on Saturday, MACBAN described the silence of the Federal Government and the military as “reprehensible” and a total disregard for lives of ordinary Nigerians.

It also blamed the Benue State government, and officers of the officers of the Makurdi based Operation Whirl-stroke who deployed an aircraft/drone that killed the innocent pastoralists.

MACBAN confirmed that the killed pastoralists had gone to Makurdi, the Benue Stateto retrieve 1250 livestock earlier impounded by the Benue State Livestock Guards after paying a fine of N29 million.

It adds, “If nothing else, we expect the President to commiserate with families of the victims for this heinous crime.

“MACBAN recalls that this is the third time in one year that the Air force, Makurdi had been involved in shooting livestock in Nasarawa, Benue and Taraba states

“The recent killings constitute War crime and a panel inquiry must be constituted to find out on whose authority the drone/aircraft was used and punish the culprits.

“MACBAN also hold the Benue state government liable in this incident because from all indications, the trucks carrying the livestock were closely monitored and waited until it reached its destination before unleashing the armed drone on
pastoralists who were waiting to collect their livestock.

“These pastoralists are bona fide Nigerians and have right like every other citizen and therefore must be protected under the law

“The lose of one live is bad enough talk less of over 40 innocent lives in a single swoop. This is unacceptable and most despicable crime against humanity.

“We also call on the Nigerian Human Rights Commission to investigate this case and other cases involving the shooting by the Air force in Nasarawa state.”

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