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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wasted expectations

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From: The Preacher

Some worries arise not out of true lack but because of blindness. Some passionate prayers would have been unnecessary if we had seeing eyes (2 Kings 6:14-17).

Jesus met a very religious woman by the well, who told Him vehemently,  “I know that Messias cometh” (John 4:25). She was a believer in the Messiah. She also strongly believed the Scriptures and the prophets who had spoken about the coming Messiah. She herself preached emphatically about Him, declaring, “I know.”

That woman was in commendable expectation of the Messiah. Mercifully, one day, Providence brought that millennial Expectation right across the well from her, yet she was still expecting, and saying, very religiously but wrongly, “WHEN HE IS COME, he WILL tell us.” She had been wasting expectations. Nevertheless, Mercy spoke, and Jesus said to her, “I that speak unto thee I am he” (v. 26).

Is it possible to have been praying so long for something, yet not recognize it when it comes? Is it possible to encounter an Answer, yet, like the troubled disciples on the dark and stormy sea, call it a ghost (Matthew 14:25-27)? Does divine intervention sometimes seem to the confused like some demonic invasion? Was Jesus truly a ghost because some frightened disciples loudly said so? Could an entire boat-assembly of credible disciples be so overtaken by darkness and fear as to be so mistaken in their announcement of what is approaching? Can one be so religious, speak so loudly so religiously, yet be so blind and so wrong?

Many opportunities have been missed because we did not know the guest at the door. Sometimes, like Mary at the tomb on Resurrection morning, the Master has seemed as a mere gardener to be ignored in our continuous search for that very important person (John 20:15-16). Sometimes a miracle has been missed because we dismissed the Messiah as some common village carpenter (Mark 13: 54-58).

Apostle John lamented this condition in his opening chapter when he said, “He was in the world … and the world KNEW HIM NOT” (John 1:10). To the woman by the well, Jesus said, “If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water” (John 4:10). Alas how that woman could have missed the living water that her soul so long had sought, had she persisted in her religious blindness! O God, open my eyes. Amen.

▪︎ The Preacher can be reached at +2348035115164; +2348035115025; info@thepreacher.info;

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