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Monday, March 10, 2025

Mind what your money does, or…where it goes

Must read

From: The Preacher

*1.  Money Errands*

Mind the errands on which your money goes, whether sent by you or by a delegate.  Mind what your money does, and what others do with it, sometimes.  That is one profound lesson from Judas Iscariot.

*2. The Judas-Receipt*

For a fee of thirty pieces of silver, Judas agreed to facilitate a nocturnal plot for the arrest of Jesus, his Master.  He might have imagined that Jesus would vanish before anyone caught Him, as had happened in the past.  If it did, then he would not have been to blame for a failure on the side of those who were to do the arrest after he shall have done his part of leading them to Jesus’ prayer hideout.  In that case, he would keep ‘his’ price and theirs would be the loss.  It was a smart deal.

Unfortunately, that deal fell through.  That day, Jesus did not disappear.  Suddenly, the shiny coins got too hot to keep, and Judas ran back to his hirers. He threw the money back at them as they were reluctant to receive it.  Frustrated, Judas went away to hang himself.

Those religious leaders, wicked as they were, were careful what they did with the money of Judas.  They called it “the price of blood” (Matthew 27:6).  In their own callous hands also, those coins were too hot to handle, so they came up with a plan.  Promptly, they purchased a field for burying strangers and other questionable characters.

Amazingly, the receipt of *their* purchase was in the name of Judas.  It was they who took the decision; it was they who chose the property; it was they who did the purchase.  Judas was never consulted, yet the receipt said, “Now *THIS MAN purchased a field* with the reward of iniquity” (Acts 1:18).  Judas “purchased”?  How?  When?  Who could prove that they personally transacted with Judas?  None, yet the receipt, according to the spiritual records, bore his name, dead though he already was – which makes it more curious.

*3.  A Prayer*

May the fire of God burn up any evil receipt of purchase that has been done in your name. May your money never answer to any evil assignment, in Jesus name.  Amen.

*4.  Mind Your Money*

Some money is still yours even after it has left your hands; be careful what it does.  Some money is no longer yours after it has left your hands; you have no control over that.  Be careful where your money goes in your name, and be careful what money is forced upon you.  Even God is careful both about the offerings He accepts and where His income goes (Deuteronomy 23:18; Leviticus 2:1-2).

*5.  A Name for Your Money*

Monies sometimes carry a spiritual name apart from the name printed on them.  Judas’ money had such dual identities.  At the natural level, the currency was called “pieces of silver” as we today might have called it dollars or pound sterling or rand or naira or rupees or euro. That is how everyone knew it.  At another level where only the religious leaders could discern, it was both “the price of blood” and “the reward of iniquity,” thus unfit for a place in the coffers of the holy God.  What is the name of the monies in your accounts: “the price of blood”? or of bribe? or of …?

*6.  Astral Journeys and the Voice of Your Money*

Money not only carries a ‘currency’ name, sometimes it also has a voice.  Of the monies that Cornelius gave as alms, no less than a mighty angel from heaven reported that they had “come up” and arrived the presence of God; that those alms at that time were standing “before God”  to do what?  They were “up” there “for a memorial before God”; they were there to speak for the giver before the Judge of all the earth (Acts 10:4).  The angel was on the earth in response to their heavenly voice, as demons might also have responded to a person for their gifts at their altar.  In other words, money also makes *astral* journeys.  Thus, while their ‘bodies’ might still be in some bank account or in someone’s pocket, their ‘spirit’ has made the psychic trip to stand ‘before’ a holy or unclean spirit.

When monies and gifts make such astral trips to “stand” or appear in those celestial or dark courts of spirits, they do not keep quiet.  They speak, and they could speak for centuries, like the “gifts” of Abel of which it is said in the book of Hebrews, after over 4,000 years: “and by it he being dead *yet speaketh”* (Hebrews 11:4).  According to the New Living Translation, “Abel’s offering gave *evidence*” for the giver in the Highest Courts of God.  Although some Bible translations give the impression that the voice was that of Abel rather than of what he gave, even then it is clear that it was a voice ‘through’ the ‘microphone’ of his gifts.

Some altars give voice and speed to gifts and monies.  Be wise.  If Abel’s gift on God’s altar was spiritually eloquent, no less would be the gifts on Satanic altars, even when those gifts may have been ‘carefully’ passed through other ‘safer’ hands because the willing and ‘cheerful’ giver does not want to be publicly seen at those dark altars.  Altars know whose monies they have.

In what realms is the ‘spirit’ of your monies?  What is it saying there?  Is it speaking for or against you?  For how long has it been speaking, and for how many more centuries is it likely to keep speaking?  May the wrong and limiting voices be now silenced through the blood of Jesus that “speaketh better things” (Hebrews 12:24).  Amen.  Mind your monies.

▪︎ The Preacher can be reached at +2348035115164;+2348035115025; info@thepreacher.info; http://thepreacherdiary.com/

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