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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Whatever, Merry Christmas!

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Three of the Abrahamic faiths – of the Jews, the Arabs, and the rest of us (i.e the Jews, Arabs, & others) believe in The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe he was born.

Two of them – Christianity and Islam – believe his conception was miraculous.

Judaism only prophesied it.

The atheists & ATRs (African Traditional Religionists) will either slaughter you with their tongues, treat you with disdain, scoff, or even kill you if you ever bring him up.

Christianity & Islam both spoke of the Spirit of God coming upon Mary (Maryam), and her conceiving.a son.

Judaists say he is the son of a carpenter.

Muslims say he is the son of Maryam.

Christians say he is the Son of God.

He claims he is the Son of God.

So, since no person can be without a father, (except, of course, Adam, if people of the Abrahamic faiths are to be believed), who really is his father? Who can he claim to be his father?

The Judaists insist it is Joseph.

The Christians insist it is God since it was His Spirit that came upon Mary (Maryam).

The Muslims say since God was not begotten, He cannot beget. They prefer to align, at the least, with their cousins, the Jews.

Meanwhile, the atheists continue to scoff and mock: “So there is a God who mated with a woman and gave birth to a son, what preposterity from crazy minds!”

The ATRs simply do not want any part of this argument. God came down, entered a woman by his spirit and a son was born. Hmm. They prefer to believe spirits (or demons) can enter people and manifest, but their own God? Nah, nah, no!

Who is right, and who is wrong?

Eternity, if any, will tell.

If the Muslims and Christians are to be believed concerning his miraculous birth, why was he born?

The Muslims say to be a prophet & messenger of God

The Christians point to the core of their faith: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And, here comes the atheists: “When a person dies, s/he dies, nothing more, nothing less. That foolish talk about perishing in hell after death is rubbish! Eternal life after death is worse rubbish!”

The ATRs believe and insist that after death, there is no perishing; dead persons only join the ancestors.

Wonderful God, wonderful religions. Beautiful world, beautiful peoples.

Whatever, merry Christmas to all!


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