25.1 C
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Variants of prosperity

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Nothing generates impassioned debate in Christian circles like the matter of wealth and prosperity. There are those who believe it is a blessing, while others view it as a sin or even a curse. Both sides have as many proponents as it has opponents. Both are simplistic and wrong.

The Bible has much to say about wealth and prosperity. And no where does it suggests any of the extreme positions we see in the debate._

First, Biblical prosperity is not about one’s bank balances and property portfolio. It is about  a wholesome life of peace, joy and love that only God in Christ gives.

“… I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly”(John 10:10)

The Bible also speaks of different kinds of “prosperity”: That of the wicked, The fool and The righteous. These we shall examine in the part second part of this discourse.

“… Life is not measured by how much you own.” (Luke 12:15b, NLT)


The belief that wealth, health and ‘success’ are an evidence of God’s blessings and approval is as old as the days of Patriach Job and the  Disciples of Jesus; what a fallacy. For “prosperity” comes in variants.

¶ The wicked do “prosper”, albeit momentarily, from their wickedness. David and prophet Jeremiah, in their days, had an issue with God  on that (Ps.73: Jer. 12)

¶ Prosperity also comes to the “foolish”. They amass and selfishly flaunt it on vanities and  conspicuous consumption (Luke 12:16-21)

¶ There is the prosperity of the righteous. These, by godly wisdom and diligence, make and channel wealth as a blessing to others (Psalms 1; 92:12 and 112)

Godly prosperity therefore is not so much about what one owns as it is about who owns one; The Lord or your loads of mammon and materialism?

© Buti Sam KPUTU


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