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Saturday, September 7, 2024

What’s in a name?

Must read

“Once again Leah became pregnant and gave birth to another son. She named him Judah, for she said, “Now I will praise the LORD!” And then she stopped having children (Genesis 29:35, NLT)

Names are powerful reminders of history, commitments and Covenants. They often also represent our salient prayers and aspirations.

ADAM named his wife “Eve”, to affirm her affinity and intimacy, a nene he could not give to any of the animals around.

LAMECH named his son  Noah, for he said, “May he bring us relief from our work and the painful labor of farming this ground that the LORD has cursed.”

When LEAH could not buy her husband’s love by children, she decided to PRAISE THE LORD in the situation, and found peace.

What name or tag you give your present situation will determine  your peace, joy and rest.

© Buti Sam KPUTU

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