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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Living debt-free

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Living debt-fre

Zendie (not her real name), came bursting into my office with her hands up in the air screaming, “free at last, free at last”. She had finally had her school loan and car debt paid off by her father. Her joy was palpable, boundless and infectious. What a relief.

Like Zendie, we were all born in debt to sin, and in deficit of God’s righteousness. “By the one man’s (Adam) disobedience the many were made sinners…” (Rom. 5:19b). We became prey to Satan and all manner of demonic operations and manipulations. It is a debt we could not pay.

God, in His love and mercy, sent Jesus  as  the propitiation for our sins (1John 2:2). On the cross He victoriously  declared, “IT IS FINISHED”. The word in Greek is ‘tetelestai’, an accounting term that means “paid in full.” We are now DEBT-FREE AT LAST! That is the message and blessing of EASTER. REJOICE

© Buti Sam KPUTU

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