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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The decay of faith

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By Namani J. Nharrel


Faith is defined here as, Christian principles, beliefs, and practices outlined by the Bible, for all ages. These are  unchangeable, though expressions may vary from culture to culture.

The decay of faith, for our purpose is when fundamental and foundational  Christian principles, beliefs and practices are twisted, or manipulated to accommodate teachings that serve purposes, than the Lord intended. It is the highjacking of God’s purpose by Satan and his agents to spite God.

The Focus 

The decay of faith focuses on the promoting human lust and pride at God’s expense. It starts with little deviations, additions or substractions from absolute biblical truths. When God’s word is set aside in preference for  man-made tales, the decay of faith sets in.

The decay of faith does not serve God’s purpose, but rather gives  recognition to His enemy. It is not surprising, Satan and his demons are more recognized and feared  in places Christian go, purportedly to worship God.

The Promoters

The promoters of the decay of faith teach that man is the centre of Christianity, and that God exists for man, and not man for God. The symptoms of the decay of faith are seen in our places of worship, they show in the daily lives of many Christians. These are apparently reshaping and redefining Christianity today.

The Purpose

The purpose of the decay of faith, always, is to deny, doubt or counter God’s words. Ultimately, it deprives God of his glory.

Satan, the polluter of God’s Word started it in the Garden of Eden. He succeeded. It resulted in the  decay of relationship between God and man. He also sought to  abort the plan to reconcile man to God, when he attempted to make Christ deny or doubt God’s word. He failed. But he was not yet done; he continued to pollute the faith of God’s people over the ages.

The Concern

The decay of faith was the concern of most New Testament writers. Jude, for example, had to change the subject of his epistle, to expose the ongoing decay of faith then. He urged Christians, “…to stoutly defend the truth that God gave once for all to his people to keep without change through the years” (Jude 1:3). As it was then, falsehood is now injected into this truth, causing decay of faith.

Its Characteristics 

• That people can live and do just as they like after becoming Christians.

• That people can live contrary to the nature and teaching of Christ and still remain his followers.

• That Christians can knowingly and  willfully refuse to obey and trust God and his Word.

• That Christians can pay allegiance to other gods and powers.

• That Christians can live carelessly, lustfully and immorally in the name of ‘freedom in the house of God’.

• That Christians  can do anything to get money and shamelessly say, it’s God’s blessing.

• That Christians can live selfishly  without any thought for God or other people.

• That Christian preachers can make  empty promises they have no power to deliver.

• That Christianity is more interesting, being showy and entertaining, minus Christ.

• That the Christian Ministry is for making money and fame.

It’s Gone Deep

The decay of faith is gone deep and has changed the thinking of many Christians. They now accept the decay  as the norm, and the truth, as abnormal and outdated. The decay has made many Christians forget who they are and what their faith is all about.  Many think of Christianity in terms material and personal wellbeing than spiritual and Christ-centredness. New seekers are lost as to what true Christianity is.

Meeting Needs?

Many Christians are not only used to the decay of faith, but find it useful and comfortable to live with. It  suits their desire to live in and enjoy sin. Though they know it’s irrelevant to the reality of life, they don’t mind holding to it as a form of religion.

The Tests

Decaying bodies can’t withstand pressures. Christianity is in a defining moment. With global persecution, a fiery test of faith has come. The decay of faith will give in to temptations, cave under persecutions, deny Christ, betray other Christians and join forces with the Antichrist.

The signs of failings are obvious. Love  for God and his ways is decreasing. Many  Christians have lost interest to know and fear God. Many are disillusioned about Christianity. They consider it unable to solve problems  facing modern man. There is hardening of hearts, massive drift to ancient and modern idols, promotion and increasing interest in demonic and diabolical activities.  Many things, once thought abnormal to Christianity, are now considered normal and practiced freely in Christendom.

Compromising Church

The church, it seems, is accepting the decay of faith as alright, and to be accommodated. With the decay of faith becoming popular and appealing,   it appears, the Church is considering, if it should apologise for teaching that Jesus is the only way to God; and insisting on righteous and holy living. If not, why the silence? If not, why allow preachers of other gospels dominate the preaching space? If not why fellowship with sworn enemies of Christ? If not why employ false prophets and teachers to cheapen the way of the cross to those who love living in sin?

What Then?

We concede that the decay of faith is a prominent sign preceeding the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. However, we that love Him must defend the faith – the truth, that was once delivered to the saints. We must teach and live Biblical truths within our sphere of influence. Stand to speak out against the destruction of cherished Christian norms and values.

The decay of faith will not stop, but we can stop it from destroying our heritage and those of others within our sphere of influence, in Christ.

Meanwhile, individuals must answer the question: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth? (Luke  18:8).

▪︎ Nharrel, a Christian worker, sent this from Kaduna.


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