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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Abuja: Story of a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode; time to defuse is now!

Must read

By Musa Baba-Panya


“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots” – Marcus Garvey

Also; “Without history there is no memory. Without memory there is no future. If we don’t learn from the past, we repeat the same mistakes again.” – David Timis

The above quotations make it necessary to begin with a historical excursion of the origin or founding of FCT-Abuja. We will take a trip down the memory lane. And it is as follows;

DATELINE: 3rd February, 1976

It all began on 3rd February, 1976, Gen. Murtala Ramat Mohammed in a National Broadcast creating FCT-Abuja –Federal Capital Territory –FCT as the new Capital of the country said thus;
The few local inhabitants in the area who need to be moved out of the territory for planning purposes will be resettled outside the area in places of their choice at government expense.

General Murtala added;
In order to avoid land speculation in the area a decree is being promulgated immediately to vest all land in the Federal Territory in the Federal Government.

DATELINE: Next day: 4th February, 1976

The very next day, 4th February, 1976 General Murtala signed into law; ‘Decree No.6’, establishing the Federal Capital Territory –FCT FCT-Abuja.

General Murtala had no illusion about the vision and motive of creating FCT-Abuja, in that he said; “We believe that the new capital …will be for all Nigerians a symbol of their oneness and unity. The Federal Capital will belong to all Nigerians.

Thus Section 1(3) of the said decree (now FCT Act Cap. 503) reads; “The area contained in the Capital Territory shall as from the commencement of this decree, cease to be a portion of the states concerned and shall henceforth be governed and administered by or under the control of the Government of the Federation to the exclusion of any other person or authority whatsoever and the ownership of the lands comprised in the Capital Territory shall likewise vest absolutely in the Government of the Federation.

DATELINE: 13th February, 1976

On 13th February, 1976 barely nine days after the creation of FCT FCT-Abuja, General Murtala was killed in a military coup. I submit that the ‘real FCT-Abuja’ equally died that day. And what has emerged to be today’s FCT-Abuja, is a ‘ghost’. Reasons would be canvassed anon.

Post Script:
Section 6 of now FCT Act constitutes the provisions for the manner compensation for the acquisition of the new capital was to be paid. From the wordings of the said provision, it would appear that the law maker (General Murtala) intended the compensation due and payable for FCT-Abuja-FCT was to be completed within a very reasonable time.

But more importantly, the significance of Section 6 explicitly indicates that as at 4th February 1976, the compensation due and payable for the compulsory acquisition of FCT-Abuja –FCT had not been paid. Now this situation or material fact is of great importance as would soon be revealed anon. Needless to say, that what has turned out to be is that, it is now near 45 years; the said compensation has still not been paid.

Post Script:

As at the time of creating FCT-Abuja-FCT, the Republican Constitution of 1963 was in force. And Section 31 provided thus; “No property, moveable or immoveable shall be taken possession of compulsorily and no right over or interest in any such property shall be acquired compulsorily in any part of Nigeria except by or under the provisions of a law that-
(a) requires the payment of adequate compensation therefor;…”

FCT Minister, Mohammed Bello.

DATELINE February, 1976 (After the Coup)

General Olusegun Obasanjo succeeded Gen. Murtala and through the years leading up to 1978, the compensation payable for FCT-Abuja-FCT was still unpaid. But in a bid to making that payment, the said Federal Military Government commissioned the Department of Geography, University of Ibadan to conduct a demographic survey of FCT-Abuja to, inter-alia, ascertain the population of the indigenous people (inhabitants), sizes and numbers of their communities villages and habitations and thereby evaluating the amount of compensation to be paid for the inhabitants resettlement outside of the ‘Territory’. The report stated the estimated population of the inhabitants to be around 400,000 people comprising 9 Tribes; Gbari, Gwandara, Amo-Amo, Igbira-koto, Gade, Koro, Kadara, Bassa, and the predominant Gbagyi. The total cost of compensation was put at N2.8 Billion Naira. That year, Nigeria’s national budget was N400 million Naira. What this meant was that it would require seven years annual budgets to make the compensation payment and effectively resettle the said inhabitants.

DATELINE: 4th July, 1978

Consequent to this inundating reality, on 4th July, 1978 General Obasanjo in an official memo/circular decided and directed thus;

1. Those who are not affected by the first phase of resettlement but wish to move out of the Territory may do so, but such people will have no claims on FCDA as they are not being forced to leave. This, in effect means that inhabitants not moved out during the present exercise or those who have decided to stay will now be deemed to be citizens of the Federal Capital Territory and FCDA will soon appoint an administrator to administer the Territory and look after their welfare,

2. The site selected for the building of the Federal Capital City itself will be evacuated and resettlement of the people so evacuated takes place within or outside the Territory.

3. The meager funds available now should be spent more on development of infrastructure than on payment of compensation.

Thus begun the policy of ‘integration’ as against ‘compensation and resettlement’ as originally envisioned as recapitulated above.

DATELINE: 1st October, 1979

A return to civil rule on 1st October 1979 ushered in a new Constitution. Section 1(3) of the said Decree No.6 was now smuggled into the new Constitution, albeit in a modified form. Section 256(1) 1979 Constitution reads;

The ownership of all lands comprised in the Federal Capital Territory shall vest in the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

It is this same clause that has been replicated verbatim as Section 297(2) of 1999 Constitution (as amended).

DATELINE: 1980-1981


Thereabout early 1980, the then civilian government of Alhaji Shehu Shagari embarked on what seems to be a semblance of compensation and resettlement of original inhabitants of FCT-Abuja FCT. During this period under review, several communities hitherto under former Niger State were compensated and resettled. Thus the inhabitants and communities hitherto situate at present day Maitama, Asokoro, Kukwaba Districts (near Stadium) were compensated and resettled not outside FCT (as originally envisioned) but within, to present day Kubwa Resettlement Village also now called Kubwa Town, a District under Bwari Area Council. It is to be noted that the total landmass and territory of FCT-Abuja was expropriated as follows; 80% from then Niger State, 19.2% from then Plateau State (now Nasarawa State) and remaining 0.8% from then Kwara State (now Kogi State).

The inhabitants of Wuse Town then about the largest community under Niger State including smaller communities of Gawu, were compensated and completely resettled out of FCT-Abuja to ‘new Wuse Town’ along FCT-Abuja-Kaduna High Way under today’s Tafa LGA Niger State. This is about the only successful (proper compensation and resettlement) on record. The remaining portions (settlements under Niger State) remain un-enumerated much less compensated or any attempt at resettlement effected.

Under then Plateau State, then existing communities of Nyanya, Karu, Karshi (under AMAC) and Nasarawa Toto Area were partly compensated (half payment) and their resettlement totally botched. The compensation figures (enumeration and assessments) were widely disputed and thus rejected by about half of the inhabitants. Thus the reason why there is ‘New-Nyanya, New-Karu, New Karshi and New-Toto’ all in today’s Nasarawa State. The ‘old’ equivalents are still existing communities in FCT-Abuja.

As far as the portion of former Kwara State (Kogi) with less than 1% land contribution, there has been no attempt of any kind as the expropriated area was and is largely uninhabited.

All said and done, at the end of the day, over 80% of today’s FCT-Abuja is still uncompensated. Much less resettlement within or outside the Territory attempted. All these communities are on ancestral (home) lands pre-dating 4th February, 1976.

Post Script: Going back to the beginning:

The decision to create a new capital in FCT-Abuja was not taken in consultations with the indigenous inhabitants. The founding fathers (Aguda Panel) were turned away by the southern Kaduna people (Manchok), ditto by the Amalgamation capital of Lokoja. Other places considered like Port Harcourt were not found suitable.

Despite the obligatory manner of creating FCT-Abuja including the promulgation of Decree No. 6, the indigenous inhabitants still warmly welcomed the birthing of FCT in their ancestral lands. It was not a thing of choice yet they gave up their ancestral lands for national cause. It was patriotism most profound and aptly personified.

Both Divine law and human laws, the constitution abhors the forceful acquisition of personal property/land. However, when deemed necessary (for public purpose) the law allows not forceful but compulsory acquisition of land subject to a sine quo non (condition precedent) the ‘prior prompt payment of compensation’.

The compensation for the creation (acquisition) of FCT-Abuja from the original indigenous owners was due and payable as at 3rd February, 1976. It is now over four decades (at least generation goneone bye) and yet the compensation is still unpaid. The law regulating compulsory acquisition and payment of compensation prescribes the accrual of interest at bank rate for delayed or late payment. Hence, it is now over 44 years and the interest has been running and still accumulating. See Section 29(4) Land Use Act and Section 6(1-2) FCT Act.

Post Script: Present day Fallacies

The prevailing status quo as deceptively portrayed by Government and erroneously believed by the average Nigerian is the fallacy that FCT-Abuja was begotten from ‘virgin land’ without indigenous inhabitants or communities or customary custodians or owners. A bye line to this historical misnomer and aberration is another fallacious portrayal and believe that the hitherto indigenous and customary owners of FCT-Abuja have been fully paid compensation and resettled.

DATE LINE: April, 2014
(National Conference holden @ National Judicial Institute, FCT-Abuja)

Delegate Ahmadu Aliyu said to be a former Director of the FCDA strenuously pronounced to the Confab, how FCT-Abuja did not belong to anybody, but to all Nigerians as whatever indigenous inhabitants there were, had been fully paid compensation and resettled.

Delegate Jeremiah Useni, from Plateau State and former Minister of FCT from 1993- 1998 immediately recanted Delegate Aliyu’s fallacious statement to the effect that such was not case. Delegate Useni attested to the fact of the prior and continuous existence of indigenous inhabitants and customary owners of FCT-Abuja. And in furtherance to this plain truth, he further said that it was him, who accorded government and legal recognition to the indigenes’ traditional chiefs and various chiefdoms. Additionally, Delegate Useni was even more categorical when he stated that the compensation has not been paid and where paid, it was only partly paid.

‘Conscience is an open wound only truth can heal it’
Othman Dan-Fodio

Some Fundamental Truths:

1. The creation of FCT-Abuja was foisted on the indigenous inhabitants, they did not ask for it. Atypical of the natural disposition (peaceful) of the original inhabitants, they embraced the new Capital and availed the Federal Government their ancestral lands for the greater good of the nation.

2. Without fulfilling the sine quo non to compulsory acquisition of FCT- Abuja, the FGN vide the instrumentality of law decreed the title and ownership of FCT-Abuja lands in the FGN. Section 1(1-3) of Decree No. 6 1976 establishing FCT-Abuja is now mutanda mutandis Section 297(1-2) of 1999 Constitution.

3. The fundamental (constitutional) right to payment of compensation due and payable as at 4th February, 1976 has been denied for over 45years now.

4. On 4thJuly, 1978, it was the Federal Government and not the indigenous inhabitants who did a volte d face by changing the policy of compensation and resettlement to FCT-Abuja citizenship and integration. Instead of meeting its constitutional obligations to the FCT-Abuja people, the FGN rather chose infrastructural development.

5. The universal legal jurisprudence pertaining compulsory land acquisition (also known as the ‘right of executive domain’) is encapsulated in the maxim; fortissimo contra perferentis. This doctrine obligates the strict compliance to the law in matters of compulsory acquisition of land. Thusly, the interpretation of the law of compulsory acquisition would at all times be done in preference to the land owner as against the acquiring authority (Government). The requirement for validity or legitimacy is for absolute compliance with the dictates of law. There is no room for discretion or part compliance.

6. Section 31 of 1963 Constitution and its successive provisions of Section 40 of 1979 Constitution and Section 44 of 1999 Constitution requiring the (adequate) and prompt payment of compensation in the event of compulsory acquisition of land (property) was not and still remains unfulfilled 45 years after creation (acquisition) of FCT-Abuja .

7. The Law (Constitution) prescribes the full payment of compensation. There is no room for part, half but full payment. And the payment is with interest at bank rate where payment is late or delayed –from date due to date of actual payment.

8. Ab initio, FCT-Abuja was begot of illegality. The FGN was and still remains a trespasser to the FCT-Abuja people. A fortorari, FCT-Abuja is begotten of ‘stolen land’. QED!

DATE LINE: 1980 to Present Day:

The Shehu Shagari Government established the Federal Capital Development Authority –FCDA (in pursuance to provisions of Decree No.6 1976). An Administrator of FCDA and subsequently, a Minister of FCT-Abuja were appointed to oversee the running and physical development of the new Capital. Hence commenced the daily sequestration and confiscation of FCT-Abuja peoples’ communities and ancestral lands.

Today, FCT-Abuja people are daily victims of FGN suborned ‘displacement and outright dislocation’ to the extent of becoming ‘permanent internal refugees’ in their ancestral lands. The FGN is now a foremost culprit of; ‘unnatural internally displaced peoples and refugees’; a United Nation’s crime against humanity. As matter of fact, today’s recent IDPs phenomenon started here, in FCT-Abuja and not with Boko Haram insurgency in North East.


That FCT-Abuja is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode; that FCT-Abuja is a monumental disaster waiting to happen is a forgone issue. It is a truism as the daily sun rise from the east and setting in the west.

For as long as the compensation due and payable for FCT-Abuja remains unpaid. For as long as the constant and unending demolitions continue with the FCT-Abuja people rendered refugees in their own ancestral lands. For as long as the FCTA remains detached from the people and continuing on the path of antagonism insensitivity and sheer executive rascality, of policy formulation like Land Swap. For as long as FCT-Abuja people remain politically disenfranchised, stateless & citizenship-less and landless. For as long as the land grabbing, scrambling and outright racketeering by State agents (military and speculators) perpetuates.

Every day, with every allocation of uncompensated land, with every development and construction, comes increased deprivation of FCT-Abuja peoples’ fundamental rights and indeed the erosion of their humanity and very existence.

Since the advent of the current Republic in May 1999, FCT Abuja indigenes remain being deprived of even basic constitutional rights to Ministerial Representation in Federal Executive Council. A Court of Appeal Judgment in the case of BABA-PANYA vs. PRESIDENT FRN & 2ORS (2018) 5 NWLR (pt. 1643) 395, (2018) LPELR- 44573 (CA) affirming such right and ordering immediate and forth compliance by Mr. President remains unenforced for over 3 years. Judgment was delivered 15th January, 2018. The judgment further declared this constitutional infringement to have persisted since 1999. What manner of Rule of Law?

There have been up to four lists of Ambassadorial nominations of Mr. President to the Senate; and still FCT-Abuja’s nomination still missing. This despite several and repeated objections by FCT-Abuja’s Senator Philip Aduda (Minority Whip). This is not to talk about numerous other deprivations of inclusion and parity in other political appointments of Perm-Sec, Federal Character (employment, tertiary admissions, judicial appointments, scholarships etc.) quotas. Guaranteed privileges where granted is so done only upon protest by Abuja Indigenes.

Yet another combustible fuel to the ticking time-bomb is the recent sheer land grabbing by the military, particularly the Nigeria Army.

DATELINE: March, 2009

In March, 2009, the Nigeria Army with truckloads of armed soldiers invaded the indigenous communities situated along the Airport Road to Girin Junction to Tunga Maje and up to Zuba along Lokoja-Kaduna Highway. The epic centre is Iddo Sarki, but a total of 22 communities were affected. Army signboards remain implanted everywhere. In October 2015 they carried out a massive demolition of cultivated farmlands leading to the sudden death of Peter Dankai who could not contain the damage done to his farmland (heavily cultivated with uncountable economic trees and cash crops). He dropped dead on the spot. He left behind 2 widows and 7 children. The Army’s Aviation building and livestock ranch) are built on the location of his said farmland. The Buhari Cantonment is also built along the said axis. The Army was and still remains without any form of allocation (grant) letter.

DATELINE: September 2009

The Navy took their turn six months later, in September 2009. They also came with truckloads of armed ratings and implanted signboards all over Iddo Sarki claiming the whole community to have been allocated to them. They returned in recent times (July 2021) and thence commenced the on-going demolition exercises by the FCTA (Development Control) Task Force. Their signboards remain visibly implanted. The Navy has no allocation letter till date.

DATELINE: Year 2014

The Airforce took their turn in year 2014. Similarly, they came with truckloads of armed airmen planted signboards. But unlike the two other services, it claimed only 20 hectares. The Airforce is equally without any allocation (grant) letter.

DATELINE: April 2019

Sometime around second week of April 2019, the Army carried out an armed invasion of the Tunga Maje area unleashed sheer terror on hapless unarmed citizens and causing injuries to several people. An 18 year old young man, Hamza Usman was killed by a gunshot to left side of the chest (no doubt by a sniper rifle). There are pictures of his deceased corpse and copy of death certificate.

In spite of all the said armed invasion and other provocative actions (serving of ‘quit notices’) on the said inhabitants and their communities including government agencies of FRSC, Police College of Education etc. the inhabitants have only resorted to peaceful protests and repeated petitions of NASS, Nigeria Police, DSS and Presidency (Vice-President).

DATELINE: October, 2020

Eventually, in October, 2009 under great constraints the 22 Communities filed a fundamental rights action at the FCT-Abuja High Court holden at Court No. 16 Gwagwalada coram Hon. Justice Idris Kutigi in the case of ADAMU ISYAKU & 4 ORS vs. NIGERIA ARMY & 2ORS (FCT/HC/M/10222/2020.

DATELINE: March 2021

As if the killings, quit notices armed invasions bulldozing were not bad enough, the Army began the sale of application forms to both officers and men of the military and general public soliciting patronage for 4nos different sized plots in a planned Army Command Estate now ready for development at Buhari Cantonment at the said Iddo Sarki –Tunga Maje axis. The prices for the plots are;
Military:- (N 5000/ square meters (m2)) -Maj-Gen -1,200m2 =N6m
-Brig-Gen -1,000 m2 = N 5m
-Col -750m2 = N 3.75m
-Lt.-Col below -600m2 = N 3m Infrastructure Cost N3m per plot
Civilian Price: – (- N 7,500/m2)

Apparently all the Army skirmishes since 2009 has been a subterfuge for the Military High Command to grab choice lands for themselves. Lands not compensated. What a shameful travesty and grave injustice.

Post Script: December 2016

To appreciate the gravity of the situation, Mr. Minister himself raised alarm in a 7 page Memo to Mr. President complaining inter-alia as follows:-

‘viii The Nigerian Army has also laid claim to a large expanse of land along Giri-Zuba axis of Gwagwalada Area Council and has commenced process of taking possession without observing laid down procedures and extant practices of the FCTA
ix The action of the Nigerian Army which threatens the rights of the communities and other legitimate tittle holders on parts of the area, has triggered prompt protest from the affected population.
x There is urgent need to restrain the Nigerian Army from continuing on its course of action in the interest of peace and tranquility. The Army should also be advised to observe due process and extant regulations of the FCTA in asserting their title claims as well as in the development of any structure on the land under reference.’

What more is to be said other than that the Hon Minister himself, (as chief custodian/trustee of the entire FCT-Abuja) has indicted the Nigerian Army. I believe there remains no more truth to be told. Res ipsa loquitor, ‘…the matter speaks for itself’.

Recently, the mode of demolition of our habitations and ancestral homelands took an unprecedented manner. Demolition by the FCTA is now carried out at night in a manner akin to military strike or invasion. The Akpmajeya exercise was conducted at dead of the night, around 3am with over 3 truckloads of heavily armed Mopol including armored assault vehicles. It was a brutal exercise, Gestapo style. Whether the demolition was justified or not, the Akpmajeya community was nothing but a sleepy village, inhabited by ordinary human beings. They were not BH, insurgents, or bandits neither was their place a cohort of crime or criminals. The location is right within the City’s precincts. Right here in the nation’s Capital


That Abuja Indigenes have and continually remain marginalized is a notorious fact needing no further argument or proof. Truth be told, as earlier said, the Nigerian State broke faith with Abuja indigenes when it decided construction was more of a priority than paying the indigenes their due ; their God given and constitutional right to prompt compensation. And since then everything about our welfare became a ‘byline item’; just simply a footnote.

Already guaranteed rights and privileges (political rights) are always denied. The common patrimony of every state, routine political appointments (ministerial, ambassadorial, Perm-Sec and regular public service employment quotas.) All either denied or sequestered away to highest bidder or other non-indigene beneficiaries. Every now and again, we must first agitate protest and petition before such common or shared rights and privileges are given us.

Case in point: since the reelection of current administration, the President has sent 4 separate lists of ambassadorial nominees to the Senate and up till now, FCT Abuja nominee not presented. This despite repeated (4times) objection/protests by our very own Senator, the most Distinguished PT Aduda. It was a battle to even get the career nomination/appointment through.

When the only Perm-Sec from FCT, Dr. Aboki Zhawa Esq., retired in in year 2011 it took over 9 years before his replacement, Gabriel Aduda to be appointed. And this was not because we had no qualified or competent Directors in the service. Several retired during this same period. Once again a struggle before the said replacement effected. FCT-Abuja’s quota still remains one, whereas some states have upto 3 or more.

Abuja-FCT Public Complaints Commissioner position was taken away and given to a nominee from Plateau State. It took formal petition and serious agitation/protest before the nomination was rescinded and the current incumbent, Hon. MC Ezekiel was appointed.

Since 1985 when the FCT-Abuja High Court was inaugurated, only one indigene, the Hon Justice Othman Musa from Abaji has been appointed to its bench. And the Court is strictly a State High Court. As it operates everywhere, all State High Court Judges from Chief Judge to the least must be and are indigenes of those states, or spouses of indigenes. Not so with FCT-Abuja.

Then there is the most disturbing one of them all. Since 1999, no indigene of FCT-Abuja has been appointed a Minister of the Federation. Ditto Presidential aides (all categories). Whereas over the said 22 years now, several states have had even upto 3 ministers in cabinet. This not to talk about other presidential aides; Senior and Special Advisers Assistances and Pas. In the current Cabinet, 7 States have 2 ministers each; Bauchi, Lagos, Kwara, Edo, Kano, Kaduna and Katsina (has Mr. President as Minister of Petroleum and Hadi Sirika Aviation Minister).

If you compute this ministerial deprivation, you will get a figure that is a bit mind blowing. Now let’s do the numbers. The average monthly pay of a minister has been a little above N1million which translates to N12million yearly. Multiply that by 22years now (May 1999) to sums up to N264million. Yes, over a quarter of a Billion lost in salaries alone. Taking it further, is to divide the total sum with 2.5million people (FCT-Abuja Indigenes) it amounts to N10,560 per person. What’s more to be said. This is a debt owed us by the Government.
The case of BABA-PANYA vs. PRESIDENT FRN & ORS (supra) granting the right of ministerial representation in the FEC, is not the birth of an individual alone. It is that of over 2.5 million Nigerians (over 1% of the population). The case is about their voices which is missing in the Cabinet now for over 22years. 2.5million citizens have no say in the affairs and governance of this country. If that is not injustice then injustice must be redefined.


1. The FCT-Abuja of today is no more than a ghost. The real FCT-Abuja as envisioned by the founding fathers died with General Murtala on 13th February 1976, barely 10days of its birth (creation).
2. FCT-Abuja of today is only but an aberration and a constitutional antithesis.
3. Sections 297 (2) of 1999 Constitution is both unjusticiable and unjustifiable. It is to the FCT-Abuja people a satanic verse (clause).
4. The creation of FCT was to the FCT-Abuja people a clarion call to national duty. The FGN must affirm the FCT-Abuja people to have made a profoundly patriotic act in ceding their ancestral lands for national cause. A thank you!; is to be said.
5. The Nigerian State must admit to a breach of faith with the FCT-Abuja people by failing to meet its constitutional obligations for compensation and resettlement. An apology must be made to the FCT-Abuja people.
6. It is no longer an issue of compensation and resettlement. So much water has gone under the bridge. There was a unilateral policy change to ‘integration’ as against compensation and resettlement.
7. The estimated cost of N2.8 Billion in compensation and resettlement expense was deemed ‘astronomical’ in 1978. Today, the conservative cost of N300 Billion as per Minister Bala Mohammed’ estimates, is required for full compensation & resettlement of the FCT-Abuja people within the boundaries of FCT and not outside it as was originally envisioned.
8. Compensating the FCT-Abuja people is no longer feasible. It is out of the equation.
9. FCT-Abuja is as real as its present existence, and so it has come to stay.
10. The original inhabitants are the real owners of FCT-Abuja and for as long as they remain uncompensated with accrued interest for 45years as prescribed by the Constitution and extant laws they remain the legitimate customary and title owners of their ancestral homeland that is FCT-Abuja. On our Ancestral homelands we Stand!!
11. Just like FCT-Abuja is real and has come to stay so also is the existence of the original inhabitants, they are as real and indigenous as they come. And certainly they are here to stay. No leave no transfer and no shaking. Absolutely remaining put.
12. Since full compensation and resettlement is practically unachievable, then it means FCT-Abuja and its continuous existence has to be renegotiated. Negotiated on a round table vide the auspices of direct and open consultation and dialogue between FGN and assigned representatives of the FCT-Abuja people.

And a suggested way out is as follows:

a. Restrict the Capital to the precincts of the 2050sqkilometers designated Federal Capital City, -FCC. FCDA remains the agency with core mandate of building the Capital. The original inhabitants and communities within the FCC would then be resettled out with full compensation. This would make the Capital truly a virgin land and a home to all Nigerians.
b. The residents of the Capital would now elect a Mayor with appointed or elected City Council.
c. The remaining portion of 6000+ square kilometres be carved out and preserved as a home state (by whatever name so called) for the original inhabitants. This entity shall be the 37th State with a tenured elected Assembly and an elected leader (Governor, mayor or Administrator whatever description so called). The indigenous natives remain citizens of the Territory with the compliments of full rights (citizenship) belonging to all other Nigerians. This would require Constitutional amendment of relevant provisions

We live in a time where violence, kidnapping, bombings and outright criminality and terrorism is being deployed to press home all manner of agitations legitimate perceived or imagined.

Once again the FCT-Abuja people are reaching out for dialogue. The opportunity for peaceful discourse beckons. But like the setting sun that forecloses a day, the opportunity is not without end. It is oft said, ‘make haste whilst the sun shines’. Also equally said is; ‘opportunity may come but once…’.


Although we remain resolute to ensuring that FCT-Abuja does not become another killing field as was the Niger Delta and currently Borno; although we are resolute to not allow the spilling of blood on our ancestral lands, we are even more resolute to nonetheless defend our ancestral lands with our very lives.

As real as FCT-Abuja has become, we are even more real; we are the original inhabitants and owners of FCT-Abuja. FCT-Abuja may have come to stay and that is because we welcomed it. Nigeria’s Capital met us here. We did not ask it to come. It is very well welcomed to go elsewhere as it came here. This is our ancestral homelands. We have nowhere else to go and we are not going anywhere. On our ancestral lands we Stand!!! QED!

For decades, the FCT-Abuja people have been crying out for justice. They have repeatedly begged to be heard all to no avail.

The time for dialogue is now. Not tomorrow. Not next week or next; month, quarter or year, but now. Today! It is time for dialogue. Nay the time is past. We are now in injury time.

I could go on and on for there are many more situations of denials deprivation and outright acts of injustices. But enough said for now. Suffice it however to say that every incidence occurrences, is fuel to the already fused bomb. And reoccurrences only wind down the clock. Tick, tick, tick, tick and tick. The hour glass is about empty. It remains just a little sand bit. Soon, very soon. Imminent soon, and next is the ……booooooom! FCT-Abuja is going to explode.

▪︎Barrister Baba-Panya of Lamilo Chambers delivered this paper on Wednesday at the Town Hall Meeting: FCT Stakeholders on Compensation and Resettlement Matters International Conference Centre, Abuja.

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