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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Jesus commands us to…Go!

Must read

By Buti Sam Kputu

“So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations…” – Matthew 28:19, GNT

God’s mandate for every Believer and Church is to be Great Commission compliant; infiltrating every sector and peoples of the world with the life and community transforming Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

¶ The ABC of The Commission. Christ mandate is unambiguous:
GO, not stay or wait.
INTO all the world, not just around it. MAKE, not poach, lure or buy.
DISCIPLES, not money, “leaders” or mere converts.
OF, people indigenous to the places we go, not just residents.
ALL NATIONS, peoples of all cultures and ethnicities.

¶ GO in the Spirit, Praying – Mt. 9:38; Ps. 2:8;

¶ GO virtually, using Media Technology – 1Cor.9:19-23

¶ GO in partnership, as a sender~Rom. 10:15; 3Jn.5

¶ GO personally, for a short time or for long term – Mt. 9:38; Is.6:8

“The Great Commission leaves us with only three options: “SEND, GO or DISOBEY” ~ John Piper

© Buti Sam KPUTU

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