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Friday, October 25, 2024

Lagos again rolls out measures to stem Covid-19 pandemic; restricts churches, mosques

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Within hours of the National Economic Council (NEC) suggesting a lockdown to stem the growing deaths and cases of Covid-19, the Lagos State government has taken the the bull by the horns, rolling out a series of measures to control movement and contacts among persons.

They include the banning of concerts, carnivals and street parties in the tate until further notice.

In addition, night Clubs, believed not been allowed to open yet, but which have been doing business all the while, have been ordered to shut down until further notice.

Other measures announced in the statement ascribed to the Governor, who is isolation after testing negative for the pandemic are:

“The midnight to 4 a.m curfew imposed by the Federal Government remains in place.

“The protocol of ‘No Mask No Entry’ must be enforced by all public places: Offices, Businesses, Markets, Shops, and so on.

“All Places of worship (Churches, Mosques, etc.) must ensure that no gathering exceeds two hours, and also that no gathering exceeds 50% of the maximum capacity of the Venue.

“A minimum of two meters’ distance should be maintained between seated or standing guests.

“All guests and service providers at events MUST wear nose masks/coverings before entry….

:”No one will be deemed to be above the law. Any and all breaches of these regulations and public health protocols will lead to immediate closure as well as attract heavy fines, and any other sanctions and penalties deemed fit, in line with the Lagos State Infectious Diseases Control Regulation 2020.

“We will continue to closely watch the profile of the unfolding situation, while also awaiting updates and pronouncements from the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19. We will also keep working with the Presidential Task Force to ensure that the gains of the recent past are not frittered away on the altar of festivities and sheer carelessness. The lives of ALL Lagosians, including our elders and other vulnerable citizens, matter.

“May I remind you of the importance of maintaining the principles of non-pharmaceutical interventions and measures that are well-documented strategies for interrupting the spread of the disease in our society. These measures are:

“Social distancing, a minimum of 2 meters apart. The wearing of face masks at all times in public places. Maintenance of personal and respiratory hygiene – regular handwashing/sanitizing, coughing or sneezing into a tissue and properly disposing.

“Presentation for testing at our numerous public and private testing facilities if you experience any of the COVID-19 symptoms. Isolation either at home or in any of our Treatment Centres if diagnosed positive for COVID-19.

“These measures represent the only way to keep the curve flattened and prevent a full-blown second wave from developing in Lagos”.

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