What promises to be a royal rumble has been ticked off by the political leadership of the North-Central geo-political zone, with the Governors there seeking to pull the rug off the feet of the newly established North Central Peoples Forum (NCPF) by tacitly saying they do not recognise the group.
But they admit that the peoples are free to associate as they please.
The NPCF is a break-away group from the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) which has always been seen as pursuing the interests of the core north comprising of the Hausa, Fulani, Kanuri, and a few other groups without taking into consideration the desires of other people groups and tribes.
Religious meanings have often been read into ACF positions, with allegations that it favours Muslims, though it has leaders drawn from the two major religions of the northern region.
In fact, it is presently headed by former Agriculture minister, Dr. Audu Ogbeh, a Christian, who has often been accused, mostly without concrete evidence, of been a lackey of the core north and its agenda.
Wednesday, the six north-central governors led by Abubakar Sani Bello, said concerning the NCPF:
▪︎ That members of the Governor’s Forum were never consulted collectively or individually by those behind the emergence of the North Central Peoples Forum. The Governors saw the news in the media just like other Nigerians.
▪︎That as Governors of the North Central region, we are yet to be briefed about the objectives of the North Central Peoples Forum.
▪︎ Wish to state categorically that the Governors are not part of the North Central Peoples Forum and shall not participate in its activities.
▪︎ We recognise the constitutional right of individuals and groups such as the North Central Peoples Forum to form lawful associations and pursue their aspirations.
▪︎ We reaffirm that as the North Central Governors we believe and are committed to the oneness of the North.
▪︎ We also remain strongly committed to the objectives of the Northern Governors Forum under the leadership of Governor Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State.
▪︎ We restate that the North Central Governors Forum shall continue to work for the sustainable socio-economic development of the North Central region and the progress of its people.
▪︎ That the North Central Governors Forum shall continue to welcome views, suggestions, recommendations and ideas that seek to promote the unity and development of the North central Zone and by extension the entire North.

Last week, prominent leaders from the North-central zone declared that their group was set up to tackle the challenges of the zone, especially rising security threats in the area.
Promising to be non-partisan, the forum named former Senator, army general and minister, Jerry Useni, as chairman of its board of trustees, while another former minister, Gabriel Aduku, named as interim chairman.
Said Useni concerning the forum, “It is in the light of the foregoing that it becomes imperative and pertinent for us as a zone to rise to the challenges and launch our own geopolitical platform from where we can draw the attention of relevant authorities on the need to address various socio-economic, political and securities challenges ravaging our zone.
“Those of you who are present here today should consider yourself as the voice and true representative of your people whom they have known to have at one time or the other represented them fully at various level.
“Therefore, no sacrifice will be too much on our side to give the people of the zone the peace and development they desire from us as their leaders.
“We will support and cooperate fully with the federal government for full and complete implementation of infrastructures, development projects situated in the zone and the involvement of the people of the zone in the national affairs of the country.”
Aduku, on his part, lamented the security challenges that have bedevilled the zone leading to needless deaths, adding: “In the face of all the above great endowments and potentials, which should have made the zone both political, economic and socio-cultural hub of Nigeria, it is unfortunately bedevilled by security and developmental challenges of unprecedented dimensions,” he said.
“In terms of insecurity, it is an incontrovertible fact that almost in all states of the zone are people being killed and kidnapped regularly. Lives within the zone have ceased to be sacred.
“The leaders of the forum are no longer interested in the unending theories about the killings, but that they must stop. These have thus made our dear giant an endangered species amongst the comity of the six geopolitical zones of the federation.”
Meawhile, the statement by the Niger State Governor, Sani Bello, said the North-central governors held their virtual meeting on Monday 14th September, 2020 to deliberate on the recent emergence of the North Central Peoples Forum (NCPF).