An opinion on the video:

I think the pastor’s “one world conspiracy theme orchestrated by Davos elites” has some elements of truth. That’s probably why it went viral. It’s not a new theme. Remember the Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, GHW Bush, David Rockefeller et al?
The current crew of Bill Gates, George Soros, Mike Blumenthal, Silicon Valley Billionaires, Warren Buffett, and other mega rich liberals (and conservatives) do have similar save/run the world tendencies. The liberals hang together at Davos every year because birds of a feather flock. Opulent birds flock at Davos.
They may all be bored and looking for something to do. Andrew Carnegie did libraries back in the 1800’s. There’s one in Greenwood, where I grew up. Bill Gates does computer models and vaccines today. George Soros does elections.
I think the Covid-19 epidemic may have originated from“gain of function” research (to make viruses more deadly) in a lab in Wuhan funded in part by the US. It may have escaped due to lax controls. I suspect some of those influencing the funding and research included Trump’s adviser Dr. Fauci and UN World Health Organization’s president who kicked off the panic with his 3.4% case death rate prediction.
The panic was aggravated by the prediction of 2.2 million US deaths by “expert” modeler Neil Ferguson at the Imperial College in England. He’s known for his Mad Cow Disease and other mistakes.) Ferguson’s model and the University of Washington’s model cited by Dr. Fauci get funding from Bill Gates’ foundation.
Dr. Fauci took the prediction to Trump and recommended lockdowns with implied and maybe explicit support of US government agencies with thousands of bureaucrats and lobbyists. Some say they are part of the “deep state” which holds Trump in fear and contempt and works to undermine him and sway the 2020 election. Trump’s uncharacteristic patience with Dr. Fauci’s mistakes and refusal to fire him may just be “keep your enemies close.”
I think Covid-19 is probably an accident that has been manipulated into a crisis and is being exaggerated (inflated death counts), prolonged (extended lockdowns), and magnified (24 hour Narrative) for political purposes.
I’m skeptical about the pastor’s one world conspiracy theme. But he may be right. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
P. S. — Neil Ferguson (aka Professor Lockdown) resigned today as Covid -19 adviser to the British Government after being caught violating social distancing rules in his home with his married lover. The UK Telegraph says she is in an “open marriage” and considers their households as one. So she wasn’t being hypocritical. Apparently the professor, who just said the rules should be extended until June, wasn’t either. (Rules are for little people, don’t you know.)
▪ Opinion piece first published by Northside Sun