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Friday, October 18, 2024

Africa and China relations: a threat to economic freedom

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By Timothy Ihemadu
It’s a tragedy for me to see that the Zambia Kenneth Kaunda gave all his life to build is now Chinese colony. The same Zambia he wrote a book titled “Zambia shall be free”.
This is a wake up call for Zambia’s new generation politicians and other African politicians to get their acts right to fight for Africa’s economic independence. Our parents fought for political independence and realised it.

Zambian statesman, Kenneth Kaunda, with Ihemadu last year

The task before this generation is to fight for economic independence and preservation of the continent otherwise mother Africa will witness total take over of her cherished assets and land from Asian tigers. This is no joke.
The population explosion in China is on the rise at an alarming rate and in a matter of decades finding living space will be a challenge coupled with attendant unimaginable disaster waiting to explode such as we have seen with Covid-19. Africa, arguably, is the safest place to live on this planet at the moment.
All the explorations and voyage of discovery to uncover out of space territory fit for human beings to live isn’t yet realised.
The Tanzania government through their visionary President is reading in between the lines and taking proactive steps to shun loans aimed at mortgaging the national interest of her country that could land them in perpetual bondage.
Any loan arrangements must be carefully studied by sound economists and legal experts before signing. These people need us as much as we need them. Don’t engage in negotiations from a weak standpoint.
The IMF has urged Nigeria to curb its large appetite for Chinese loans as the country struggles with a €70 billion  debt burden. That’s up from €62 billion in 2017, representing a year-on-year growth of 12.25 per cent.
Arise Africa the land of the rising sun. This is the time we need visionary leaders and not looters. Africa must be free if our leaders can think out of the box.
Ihemadu is Head of Mission (Nigeria) at the International Office for Sustainable Development

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