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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

You can’t Eliminate the Middle Man

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By Timothy Olonade              @TimOlonade, @Elrehobothglobal, Jos
I had my childhood in a rural community in Osun State South West Nigeria. Then marriages were essentially long-term affairs between two families not just their wards. There was always this man they called ‘Alarina’. He is the go-between man, an impartial negotiator for the common good of both parties. Trusted on both sides, Alarina brokers the union.
The world is full of deal makers. Powerful negotiators determine the outcome of many a business and political negotiations. The global economy thrives with the active dealers and negotiators. Be it local, national or global, either governmental or political, you can’t totally eliminate the middle man for he is the in-between addressing the concerns of all parties.
The first Easter was a one-time deal, a worldwide trade-off. At its heart was sin – a declaration of self-rule and independence from God! Doomed, damned and destined for eternal abyss, a negotiator, a deal maker was needed for human race. Eternal God with His loving, holy, forgiving and gracious nature must judge sin.
On top of Mount Calvary were three crosses. One was occupied by the despicable and impenitent world. The other, occupied by a repentant,entreating soul crying for gracious pardon. The unmistaken third cross in the middle belongs to the deal maker. The Alarina of humanity. The trusted soul that carries the concern of the two parties in the war over sin. The ultimate negotiator of all negotiations.
He stayed briefly on that cross to sort out permanently the eternal deal. At the height of the deal making he threw in some punchy deal clauses:“Father forgive them, for they don’t know what have or are doing.” “My God, my God, why are you turning away (why have you forsaken me.” “It is a matter of time (tonight really) you will be with me in paradise.” Father into your hand I commit my soul (Father I take their place!)” Hours later He transited, and in few days later He resurrected – done deal!
More than two thousand years later, the deal He struck with all its terms still subsists, just as negotiated. The scripture is replete with assuring words… “Whoever comes to me I will in no wise cast out…” “No one comes to the father but by me…” “Making their salvation sure” “He is the captain of their salvation…” “Bringing many sons into glory…” “I will display you before my father…”The middle man did a great job. He struck a good deal.
For centuries, the world tries to change the deal by invalidating middle man’s role. But you can’t undo the deal – you can’t ‘unring’ the bell. The deal was struck once and for all. He tasted death so he may deliver all who are plagued by their fear of death. Including the latent fear of currently ravaging pandemic deaths occasioned by Covid-19.
The deal subsists, the middle man on that third cross got the negotiation right. “Whoever believes in me if he is dead will live and if he is alive will never die”. It is eternally futile to ignore or get rid of the middle man. The height of human wisdom is to fall in line with his negotiated deal. Because after Good Friday, Easter morning is coming!

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