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Monday, March 10, 2025

The plea for Nigeria’s crucial week

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By OmaOjo, Abuja
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, we have entered a cruciial week in Nigeria; a week that has got us all into a frenzy, willy-nilly. A week You ordained before the foundation of the earth. It also reminds us of a week, not too long ago in Your eyes, perhaps just about two days ago (the way counting is done over there). Anyway for us, it was about 2,019 years ago, the week You rose from the dead! What a glorious week!
Worried over the politics of the day and the oppression they were going through, Your apostles gathered around You and asked a very valid question. The story as You left for us to read goes thus:
Acts 1: 6. Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7. He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority. 8. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
What an answer!
Lord, remember that we are humans, and politics, economics, etc matter to us, and we should rightly ask You such questions as our forebears did because of these tough times. Our own question from this corner of the earth will be, and validly, too, in our own eyes: Lord, are you at this time going to restore a government of righteousness in Nigeria? Painfully, like You told Your followers, we already know the answer.
Forgive us, Lord, that though You advise us to be more concerned about Your Kingdom (Government) and Yourrighteousness, we have ignored Your fundamental issue, and fixated ourselves on the secondary. But, Lord, we are still on earth, actually, in Nigeria, where men of different political shades, especially those two different sides of an ugly coin, are making life miserable for us and our children.
Forgive us, Lord Jesus Christ, like the apostles, that we are discussing the politics of this earth when You want us to be deeply involved in the Government of Your Father and our Father. We are sorry, but since 1914, and 46 years later, when we became independent, we have fumbled and tumbled to this pass. We are wondering if we can have a taste of Your triumph in this country, curiously named Nigeria. (Niger meaning, as some claim, dark. So to be named dark area (Niger area) can be scary). So, Lord, we beg, let Your light envelope us in this land of over 530 peoples and nearly 200 million persons.
Help us in this new week (and the coming ones until You come) to focus on You and Your Kingdom (Government), depriving ourselves of bodily pleasures, ignoring the distracting political frenzy, and fear-mongering passing off as Your word;.
We have voted, Lord. We cast our lot for the President above all presidents, the King above all kings, and the Lord above all lords. Of course, it is You!
Whatever comes out of this Saturday and the coming three Saturdays are left in Your hands. Choose those You want; or more appropriately, allow those these times deserve.
However, in it all, we plead, let the name of Your Father and our Father be hallowed and glorified; approve men and women who will cause the kingdoms of Nigeria to become the kingdoms of Your Father and our Father; and allow to be elected, men and women who will cause Your will to be done in Nigeria as it is in Heaven. This, Lord Jesus Christ, we truly beseech you.
Help us, by Your Holy Spirit, to remember to continue to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, that all of our needs and desires (including the right lleaders) may be added unto us.
Thank you as always, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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