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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pre-requisite for Usefulness and Power 5

Must read

By Festus Ndukwe.
If you are not a holy vessel and cry for revelation of the word of God, God will not give you.
The word of God is the living water. God does not pour it into an unclean and unsanctified vessel. It will be contaminated.
People marvel why some pastors do not have God’s word for their congregation. It is because of this. Even if they know the Bible and can quote it they will not have revelations of what they are quoting. Where is the clean vessel to pour it into?
God does not waste His Word. Until He finds the right vessels He will not release it. That is why God’s Word is scarce on pulpits.
God does not use a person because he is educated, knows the bible or eloquent. God uses a person because of his yieldedness to Him to be cleaned up and sanctified. I see people, and even missionaries going for more education or a Phd. Education and training are good for sharpening our skills but they cannot produce life which comes from holy living.
Education may expose you to more opportunities to meet a certain class or calibre of people and minister to them or have more contacts where you expand your resource base but it will never contribute the life that God is willing to pour Himself into. What makes a man more useful and effective is the holiness wrought in him through dealings in his discipleship walk with God.
If you serve with people who seem more highly educated than you but you make progress in holiness, men will be more impacted by you than by them. When men have issues they will come to you. Your life draws them.
I am in a faculty where I teach some courses and I know what I am saying. I see young people and even missionaries seeking for more education while the harvest fields are getting rotten. It is a dangerous trend. God may allow you to acquire more skills to enhance your work but if it is to elevate your status in life or make you more respected you have missed it. God is not excited.
Bro. Ndukwe can be reached for clarifications on this and other life issues at: festus.felicia@gmail.com or through whatsapp on +234 8055178972.

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