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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Abomination 8

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Written by Mofoluwake Jackson.
It was too much for her to bear. After rushing out of church the previous Sunday, they did not know there was a second part to the Children’s Day the next Sunday; and that was how they were subjected to another trauma.  Every thought and feeling she had tried to bury in the past few days came rushing back at her all at once.
Kola must have felt her tense up beside him ’cause he kept asking if she was okay.
Okay? That’s was the most understated question for how she was feeling. She wanted to bolt because it seemed like everything happening around her was against her. No, she didn’t want to bolt, she needed to. She stood up and excused herself to the Ladies. Why had they chosen to seat in the middle aisle rather than the available spot close to the door that they usually sat in.
She made her way out of the church, past the distracted congregation who had to be drawing their own conclusions. Those were the least of her problems now, she was in such a state that she thought that if she didn’t get a breath of fresh air she’ll go mad.
Those children had brought painful tears to her eyes. Would she ever have children sing to her? Would she ever have children testify about the rock she was for them? Would they ever even be angry with her? When will she dress her baby up for Cultural Day in school?That one kid this morning had been so sweet on his mother, he’d thanked her for never sending him to school with beans for lunch and he’d been genuine. It was the weirdest thing to be thankful for and yet it was the nicest thing too. When would she get thanked?
She couldn’t bring herself to go back in to church and she couldn’t trust herself to smile through pleasantries after, so she sent Kola a message and headed home.
At home she was a big mess, Kola definitely knew what was on her mind because he had avoided her like the plague. She had been crying in their room when he checked in on her. He announced his presence and disappeared.
Uncle Dede wasn’t home yet, they didn’t attend the same church. He returned later that day after he had visited a church member. He sensed that the they had come around the circle again because the atmosphere was severely blue.
The mood Kola was in didn’t even let him notice Uncle Dede’s presence. Uncle Dede, on his part, approached from Kola’s back and noticing the droop of his shoulder knew something was up. So he sat and asked Kola to fill him in, which Kola did, very briefly. It was Children’s Day and the children had been appreciating their parents for all they did so that must have reminded her of what she lacked and put her in a mood.
Uncle Dede didn’t comment much, whatever he had to say was to be said to them both, so it could wait.
Lara called in sick for the next three days, her eyes remained swollen through out as she didn’t stop crying and nobody could get through to her.
By Wednesday evening Uncle Dede had had enough of the silent treatment going on in the house. Wife wasn’t talking to husband, for whatever reason; and husband wasn’t trying to get wife to talk because he feared the outcome.
Uncle Dede too, though not directly affected, had to move about the house like a ghost.
He called both of them to the sitting room and spoke to them.
If they couldn’t live amicably and communicate on the slightest things as husband and wife, then how did they do it in the larger world. He reminded them that for a fact they had an elephant they had pushed to the far corner of the room that wasn’t any less obvious. They needed to talk as man and wife, and quickly, before things began to go wrong outside their home too.
He told them both to clear their tables and schedules and to take time off from work because he was sending them on a six weeks, all expense paid vacation in a resort abroad.
It would be in their best interest to take the time to seat and actually talk, with no distractions.
Preparing to make their journey took up most of their time for the next two weeks and then they were off to spend their uncle’s gift to them.
The resort was heavenly and their room magnificent. There were programmes scheduled for couples. It looked like it would be a good time out for them.
They both had faith as they said their prayers for the night that first day.

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